The band are based in the south-east and regularly play in Brighton and London
Brighton based folk trio Nine Dead Mice bring a refreshing and unexpected energy to their traditional tunes and songs.
Generating momentum with raucous foot-stomping energy one minute, before slowing down for a gentle ballad or two the next, they offer a deep dive into the trad-folk repertoire, surfacing now and again with unexpected arrangements, traditional and well loved tunes, and energetic performances.
Combining violin, cello, guitar and vocal harmonies into a rattling, rolling folky omnibus, they are comfortable leading ceilidhs, barn dances and folk dances, as well as offering bagpipe interludes, acapella numbers, and multi-instrumental switches, you're never quite sure what to expect next.
Scroll to view set list
Fishing Song
Gazebo Crew / Out in the Ocean / Kesh Jig
D less / Angeline the Baker
Pair of Brown Eyes
Wedding Reel
Heenan vs Sawyer
Drops of Brandy / Harringtons Reel
Mad Tom of Bedlam / King of the Fairies
Barretts Privateers / Old Tom of Oxford / Crisps
Jacksons 1 + 2
Orange Blossom / Cheshire Waltz
Brenda Stubbets
Farewell to Erin
Battle Swing / Zykanthos
Greenland Whale Fishers
Wild Hog in the Woods
The Deserter
Workers Song
Tom Payne's Bones
I Wish There was no Prisons
Cold Blows the Wind
This act's standard set times are as follows:
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